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Exam app for anatomy lab practicals

You don't have to grade anymore.

Create your Exam

Pin your exam like normal & create your electronic exam in minutes.

Students take your Exam

Students can use any wifi device to take your exam.

You Relax

Exams are graded instantly & actionable statistics generated.

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Create your Exam

Simple exam creator with robust features

Fill-in-the-blank questions are graded effortlessly.


Our massive word bank questions are perfect for lab practical exams. You create a massive word bank of terms that students can search to find the correct answer. It's like a multiple choice question, but with an infinite number of possibilities.​


You can also ask multiple choice, T/F and free response questions.


Create dynamic questions using YouTube videos.


Create a picture answer key so students can see what they missed and why.

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Students take your Exam

Simple & intuitive user interface

Students can search the word bank you create to find the correct answer.


Embedded videos or pictures show up beneath the question prompt.

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You Relax

Instant grading & test analysis

See which questions students struggled with or which questions were too easy.


Use the test analytics to gauge how well the material was taught.


Download studnets' scores via a csv file and easily upload to your learning management system.

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(C) EducationHive LLC 2024

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